Fecha Celebracion: 15/05/2024
PhD Fellowship in Chemistry and Biomaterials Science

A PhD Fellowship in Chemistry is available (in the group of Dr. Clara García-Astrain) at the Basque Center for Macromolecular Design and Engineering, POLYMAT Fundazioa (www.polymat.eu).

Applicants must have a BSc and MSc in Chemistry, Materials Science or Biomedical Engineering with a strong background in biomaterials characterization and previous experience in polymer functionalization. Knowledge on cell or bacteria cultures will be also considered.

Good command of written and spoken English is a must (if preselected, a telephone interview will be carried out before any other appointment is made). The selected candidate is expected to conduct research, write papers, and deliver a PhD thesis.

Applications should be addressed to Dr. Clara García Astrain and sent via email in one single PDF to clara.garciaastrain@polymat.eu before the 31th of July 2024 (applications will be considered upon arrival) including:

a cover letter highlighting their interest in the position.

curriculum vitae.

a short description of previous research (1-2 Pages).

the names and contact addresses (e-mail) of two academic referees.

POLYMAT has obtained the ‘HR Excellence in Research award‘. The award reflects our commitment to continuously improve our human resource policies in line with the European Charter for Researchers, the Code of Conduct for the Recruitment of Researchers and our commitment to achieve fair and transparent recruitment and appraisal procedures.