Fecha Celebracion: 05/05/2025
I International Conference • Naizen • Trans children and youth

I International Conference • Naizen • Trans children and youth
Underpining support with knowledge
Bizkaia Aretoa. Bilbao. Spain.
May 5th and 6th, 2025

The growing social controversy around trans children and youth requires spaces for discussion and joint reflection from different perspectives (sociological, psicological, sexological, psychiatric, educational, endocrinological, etc.); along with greater exchange and debate between academia, professional and experiential knowledge, with the common purpose of addressing and supporting the needs that emerge in the biographical processes of these children and youth. Generating interdisciplinary dialogue is needed in order to advance in understanding these realities, above any possible epistemological and theoretical discrepancies or, perhaps it would be better to say, thanks to the wealth of different perceptions and perspectives.

With this simple goal of understanding the reality of trans children and youth in order to be able to support them as best as possible, we are pleased to present this I International Conference Naizen on trans children and youth which will be a meeting point for representatives of different fields: research, education, social work, psychology, sexology, psychiatry, endocrinology, sociology, administration, etc., activists, trans persons, family members and people interested in and engaged with the situation of trans children and youth.

The different panels and lectures will address such important issues as the current state-of-the-art of the research, reflecting on what can be considered as evidence and what evidence is currently available on trans children and youth; the different theoretical perceptions and perspectives; support from the health services; support by schools; changing directions in transitions; and non-binary realities. There will also be space for firsthand experiences and for hearing the voice of family associations.

Speakers: Rosa Almirall, Aitzole Araneta, Jon Arcelus, Atilano Carcavilla, Annelou de Vries, Darko Decimavilla, Olatz Etxebarria Perez de Nanclares, Pablo Expósito, Alessandra D. Fisher, Cal  Horton, Eder Iturralde, Josebe Iturrioz, Joserra Landa, Aingeru Mayor, Lucía Mendiondo, Joz Motmans, Nieves Moyano, Teo Pardo, Ares Piñeiro, Itxaso Rica, Jiska Ristori, Elsa Ruiz, Bea Sever, Nat Thorne.
Family associations: Arelas, Chrysalllis, Euforia, Llar Trans, Naizen, TT Bórdoba, Veus Trans*, GenderLens.

Addressed to students, researchers, and professionals in the fields of: Education, Social Work, Sexology, Sociology, Anthropology, Psychology, Psychiatry, Endocrinology, Family Medicine, Nursing, Urology, Gynecology, Equality Services, Institutions, Public Administration, Politics, Journalism; as well as activists and family members.

More information on the Conference website.

Registration and submission of papers is open.

Organiser: Naizen, Association of Families of Trans Children and Youth
Co-organized by: Bilbao City Council